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Bitcoin News
A Bitcoin Technology Center in Ghana is launching
Strike now lets Africans receive instant, zero-fee remittance payments in local currency with the Bitcoin Lightning Network
A Bitcoin Technology Center in Ghana is launching
The Built With Bitcoin Foundation (BWB) has unveiled a new Bitcoin Technology Center in the city of Ejisu, Ghana, as part of the legacy of the inaugural Africa Bitcoin Conference. The center will be run by and for the benefit of the local community in Ghana.
The Bitcoin Technology Center’s main objective is to provide the local community with knowledge and skills related to the financial and technology sectors. It also aims to foster community and a secure learning environment.
The center plans to educate and train up to 400 people in its first year and the facility will be open to everyone. The website will host monthly meetups in addition to offering education and training.
Strike now lets Africans receive instant, zero-fee remittance payments in local currency with the Bitcoin Lightning Network
Bitcoin payments app Strike said in a statement Tuesday that it had launched Send Globally, a new feature that lets U.S. users instantly and cheaply send money to Africa.
“With exorbitant fees to transfer funds in and out of Africa and incumbent providers halting services, payments companies are struggling to operate in Africa and people cannot send money home to their family members,” said Jack Mallers, Strike founder and CEO, in a statement. “Strike offers an opportunity for people to transfer their US dollars easily and instantly across borders.”
The remittances service is initially enabling people in Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana to receive money from the U.S. and instantly convert it to their local currency. The feature is made possible thanks to a partnership between Strike and local Bitcoin app Bitnob.
“The current financial system isn’t set up in a way that ensures equal access for people and institutions from Africa,” said Bernard Parah, founder and CEO of Bitnob, in a statement. “What we have built reduces the pressure on our financial institutions in sourcing USD liquidity. People can now easily exchange value from the US to people in Africa in the cheapest way possible. We can now save people sending money back home to Africa billions of USD in transfer fees.”
Global Economic News
Will there be a recession in the US or not?
Signs about the spreading CBDCs
Will there be a recession in the US or not?
I see that in the US some economists are confused about the upcoming economic future. Some say it will be a recession, some say it won’t be one. Let’s see what the data shows to us:
“CEO business confidence seems to be reliable contrarian indicator. We will find out soon if it’s different this time. (Goldman Sachs)” by Michael A. Arouet, CFO and M&A background
“The US is NOT going into recession, while Europe is. Best way to see this is to look at services PMIs (red), which are holding up well in the US (lhs), but are falling sharply along with the manufacturing PMI in Germany (rhs). Markets have recession risk all wrong…” by Robin Brooks, Chief Economist at IIF
“We're officially in panic mode. This level has seen exceptional market returns in a 6-12 month period since 1990. The only exception was 2002.” by Game of Trades, Data-driven Investment Research
“It has been one of those years …” by Wall Street Silver
“Major Yield Curve Inversion right now is suggesting big Recession in 2023. Last time Yield Curve was this inverted was 1981. Right before the unemployment rate went to 10%.” by Nick Gerli, CEO & Founder of Reventure Consulting - More details in his Twitter thread.
“Used car prices are now down over 14% in the past year, the largest YoY decline on record with data going back to 2009. This was a leading indicator of higher inflation rates in 2020 and the recent downturn is likely a leading indicator of lower inflation rates to come.” by Charlie Bilello, Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
“The bond market is signaling that a huge policy error is happening … Biggest yield curve inversion since 1980” by Wall Street Silver
BlackRock says get ready for a recession unlike any other and “what worked in the past won't work now”. The 70+ years of friendship between the US and the Saudi’s seems to have come to an end: Saudi Arabia and China have signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. There is a possibility that the US will not only face expensive market driven oil prices, but simultaneously with empty Strategic reserves too.
Related Zerohedge articles: Major Economic Contraction Coming In 2023... Followed By Even More Inflation and 9 Million Millennials Moved Back In With Their Parents This Year.
Signs about the spreading CBDCs
“UK Treasury: We will be consulting on a UK Retail Central Bank digital currency alongside The Bank of England in the coming weeks.”
According to Bitcoin Magazine: The EU is trying to ban cash transactions over €10,000 and allow member states to impose lower limits if they wish.
Bitcoin price speculations
These are just speculations, no investment advice!

Bitcoin Shorts
Funny Bitcoin short stories
“No force on earth can stop Bitcoin when the time has come.” by Michael Saylor
Bitcoin Returns since 2010...
Africa’s first Bitcoin conference kicks off today (5th Dec). (video) (video2)
1/4th of all Bitcoin has not moved in half a decade
Russia's head of Congress finance committee: Bitcoin and shitcoin products will "definitely" be legal next year
+25% of Internet users in Turkey own Bitcoin - the highest in the world
Over 41,000 Brazilian companies bought Bitcoin in October - Federal Revenue Service
“November also saw the largest net outflow from centralized exchanges in history. A flight to self-custody is in place.” by David Puell
Block CEO Jack Dorsey: We're in Bitcoin to help the world realize a currency not controlled by governments
Michael Saylor: By 2024 you might see "the Bank of Americas" and "the JP Morgans" buying Bitcoin
“More than a decade of Bitcoin data shows a steady growth in its stability and reliability” by Documenting Bitcoin
“Bitcoin is peer-to-peer cash” by @MemeingBitcoin
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